1·So wide, the sea waters so blue, the sky the seagulls fly, water has many ships come and go.
2·Qingdong sag is a secondary structure unit of Jiyang depression and lies in Bohai shallow sea waters.
3·And finally, the magnetic corrected (values) of characteristic areas of the sea waters in China is presented.
4·Sea temperatures have risen by 1c in the past 25 years and more exotic southern species have entered North Sea waters.
5·Bangladesh is close to sea level, which means it is greatly affected by climate change that causes flooding and rising sea waters.
6·Bangladesh is close to sea level, which means it is greatly affected by climate change that causes flooding and rising sea waters.
7·Different arsenic species in soils, sea waters, Marine organisms and urine are determined by using the hydride generation-electrothermal quartz furnace-atomic absorption spectrometry.
8·The authors consider that the development of the deltas is related to tidal range, wave conditions, Sediment amount flowing into the bays, bsy volume and unenclosure of sea waters off their gorse.
9·The beagle studied the waters in the sea near South America.
10·The rivers feed into the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska — cold, nutrient-rich waters which support tens of millions of seabirds, and over 400 species of fish, shellfish, crustaceans, and mollusks.